Case Study:

Pleated bags increased lifetime of filters and prevented abrasions in bottom of bags




Cement Clinker transport to mill

Dust type:

Cement dust - clinker


The customer had problems with holes in bottom of the filterbags caused by harsh airstream. This required changeout of bags every 3 month, which was not acceptable for the customer.


By replacing the existing filter bags with Pleated Bags from Nordic Air Filtration the following results were obtained:

  • The Spunbound media is less susceptible to harsh airstream than the filterbag = less abrasions
  • Surface filtration increases lifetime due to a more flat deltaP curve (Filterbag after 3 months (when changeout): 15mBar/1500pa. Pleated Bag after 5 month (and still running): 3,2mBar/320pa)
  • The PTFE-coating of the media provides optimal dust release capacity during pulse cleaning = prolonged life cycle of the cartridges
  • Further more increasing of the media surface will also add to the longer lifetime due to decrease of air-to-cloth ratio


  Bag filter Pleated bag solution
Airflow in unit  4400 m³/hour
Dusttype  Cement, clinker transport
Collector running hours/year  8765 hours (All year)
Dust collector model FLS CE1
Filter model Bag CPB
Media/cloth type  Polyester  Polyester with PTFE coating
Length  3020 1750
Number of bags/cartridges  35 35
M² in each bag/cartridge  1,14 1,68
M² in unit  40 58,8


  1. Longer life cycle
  2. Lower emission
  3. Higher possible airflow
  4. Possible cost savings since customer is able to turn down number of pulses
  5. Weldtech bands ensure equal pleatdistance and safe fit and holding of the bands


Solution after: 

Advantages – confirmed by customer:

  1. Longer life cycle as Nordic Air Filtration’s pleated bags are more abrasion resistant than filter bags and the shorter length filters has removed the filters from the abrasion zone
  2. Less dust discharging and lower emission
  3. Optimized airflow due to easier cleaning of media (Surface vs Depth Filtration) and larger surface area (pleated media)

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